Couples Relationship Checkup

Are you growing together or growing apart?

If you cannot confidently say, “we are growing together,’ then you need

The Relationship Checkup

If you want to save your marriage, the first thing to do is to scientifically assess the state of your marriage using The Relationship Checkup tool.

The relationship checkup is a three-session intensive intervention for couples who desperately need to experience a change.

Stop the blaming and assumptions and get honest with each other

I use The Gottman Relationship checkup assessment tool developed from over 40 years of research by Dr. John Gottman. The tool relies on detailed and evidence based information on why relationships fail or succeed.

You and your partner will answer 480 in-depth questions covering friendship, intimacy, emotions, conflict, values and trust, spirituality, parenting, housework, finances, individual areas of concern and much more.

It is an innovative tool that saves you and me a lot of time trying to navigate the root causes of conflict in your relationship.

Once I get the assessment, it would help me know the likely intervention you need to get both of you back on track.

Session 1

Session 1 is an oral interview where each partner can express their feelings about their relationship and why they seek intervention.

I will also give you an overview of the Gottman relationship checkup tool.

This is a 90-minute session.

Between sessions 1 and 2

Each partner will accept the email invitation to complete the assessment, fill out their assessment independently of each other, and submit it when complete.

Please note that the assessment cannot be done unless both parties complete the questionnaires.

Once you have submitted it, the assessment will be done automatically, and the results will be sent to me. I will use this information alongside information from session 1 to understand better what is happening in your marriage and what intervention you would require.

It takes 2 hours to complete the assessment.

Session 2

After receiving the assessment, I like to review the results with each partner separately. This allows for clarity and freedom of expression.

At the end, I would have a clearer picture of where both of you are in your relationship and how we can work together with the help of the Holy Spirit.

This is an hour-long session per person.

Session 3

In this session, you both get to see your areas of strengths and areas of conflict without any bias. I am glad to let you know that there is wisdom for every situation, and with the help of the Holy Spirit and proven methodologies, I trust both of you can get back on track to a blissful marriage. 

At the end of this session, you will determine whether continuing more sessions with me would be beneficial.

This is a 90-minute session.

Total Cost


You can pay this in full or an initial deposit of $135 and, after that, $100 per session.